Tuesday, August 25, 2009



Sorry ladies. :)


I could not be any luckier. I possibly have the best husband ummm EVER. He puts up with so much, LET ME TELL YOU. I am a handful. I can be needy, I can be bossy, I can be VERY emotional, and I can be a BIG brat. He is so humble whenever I tell him things he should work on and I'm not always so willing to listen. He's great at calling me out when I'm gossiping and I never hear him speak negatively of people. He's always willing to be someones friend or give them a chance even if they won't give him one. That's always amazed me about him.

He tells me what I need to hear and he means it. Not a day goes by where he's not complimenting me or telling me how cute my outfit is, or how pretty I look.

He cooks for me... all the time. I LOVE how healthy it is because it is THAT much easier for me to be healthy. He loves to cook me food and try new things. I'm learning it's his way of showing me love.

He's the funniest person I know. I've never met anyone as RANDOM and SILLY as this boy. We are always playing and goofing around. He has made me laugh so hard I have almost peed my pants. I am so happy to be with someone who gets my humor and I get his--it's ALWAYS a big laughing fest in our house.

He can't stay mad at me for more than 2 minutes... and it's RARE when he is mad at me... AND when he is it's for good reason. I have to be a real brat for this to happen, but it's always an easy fix. He hates to fight he is SUCH a lover.

He is the kind of guy that sets his mind to something and he ACHIEVES it. It's one of his most impressive qualities. A couple years ago he got a gym membership and made the decision to get fit. You see those big muscley body builders? Ya that was his goal. He did a lot of research on dieting, and nutrition and has lost 100 pounds! I've never seen anyone with as much dedication as him. It's incredible. I love that we enjoy working out and being active together, I don't think it's something that we'll ever lose.

My family loves him and for this I love him more. I'm so glad that they see the amazing person that I see. They've been able to get to know him so well and I love how close they are with him.

He would do anything for me. And he does. He calms me down. I don't freak out as much as I used to, I'm not as emotional as I used to be and I love him for allllllllllllll of this and so much more! I am so grateful to have him as my partner.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Girls of 239!

I love being married. Married life is amazing. Living and waking up next to my best friend is the most wonderful thing EVER. I don't get sick of it... at least not yet. We've been having so much fun getting our house together and learning all the WONDERFUL things that you learn about your spouse when you are first married (like him leaving the toilet seat up. UGH.) But even though my life has had so many changes and life has been so crazy busy, I've still had time to think about all of the important people I've had in my life that have gotten me through it.

Today was one of those days where I was just missing Utah. Specifically I was missing my old roomates, Suz, Camille, and Robin. They were the first roomates I had when I moved away from home for the first time. Poor girls putting up with my naive 18 year old boy crazy self. But I cannot tell you how much these girls mean to me. I cry when I think about them because I miss them so much. We were like a family. We went out during the day, lived our life, and came home and sat and talked and cried together. I went through the HARDEST times in my life with these girls and I don't know if I will ever be able to thank them enough or have them understand how much they've done for me.

I came home one particular night, probably the worst night of my life and they just knew me better than anyone at that time and knew something was wrong. They made me sit down and talk to them, and all they did was listen and love me.

Sometimes I would come home at night and feel so lost and so confused and at such a low point in my life and suz would come in and cry with me. So many people in my life didn't understand me, or why I made the decisions I did, or just thought I was going nowhere and Suz always saw so much more in me. She was such an example and had such an amazingly strong testimony and it was hard to not feel Heavenly Fathers love when you were around her. She never judged me even though I was "rough around the edges" as she would say. Often times I've gone back to those low low days and think about how much she saved me. I needed someone to believe I was worth something and she always gave me that hope.

We always loved doing little things for each other. Whether it was just leaving a note for one another or decorating each others rooms, or throwing surprise parties. One year those girls threw me a surprise birthday party and I swear our whole ward was there. I knew maybe 10 of the people but our place was PACT and I loved every second of it. Another time Robin called our moms (around christmas time) and got our favorite recipes and made us a big dinner with all of our favorite food. We would have nights where we would sit in the dark in a circle and listen to "home" by Michael buble and talk about our future husbands.

These are the memories I will always cherish. I get homesick for them and the life we had in that little 239 apartment. I loved coming home and having my best friends there. Having Camille sitting on the couch with Eddie getting math help from him, Robin always on the phone with your family back home, and Suz going EVERY WHICH way (let me tell you she is one BUSY girl. And back then she didn't have a cell phone. IMAGINE).

I don't know if I would have gotten through those years without them. My home away from home. I love you girls with all of my heart.

Here's some old pics. thrrrooowwww back:

Robin, me, and Camille all squished (I have no idea how to spell that) in the bathroom at 4am. I think it was even easter maybe? Don't ask me why we were doing this but ohhh how we laughed.

Suuzzz! Where's suuzzz! This picture makes me pee my pants!

Michelle is in this picture with us!!!! I love Michelle (suz's sister). This was at Camilles wedding (Robin was either back home or on her mission) and that was the last time before I moved that we were together. Oh how I LOVE these girls.

And then this is the most recent pic of the 4 of us. I went back to Utah in March and we all got together and had dinner. We could have sat and talked there for hours. I loved every minute of it.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Finally some wedding pictures up! These aren't the pros but here's a few (except for the one up top. Taken by my wonderful photographyer Ashleigh Thornock. More to come soon!)! I loved this day! By far the best day of my life and I wish I could go back and do it all over again!