I AM ALMOST THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woot! We are so so so so so so so so so so excited! Definitely nervous... but moreso excited. :) I can't believe our baby girl is almost here. Like... ALMOST HERE. I'm so ready to have this baby here. Ready to not be pregnant anymore, and start this new chapter in our lives! I can't wait to see what she looks like, what her manorisms will be like. I just want to meet her already!
I've spent most of the summer getting ready for the baby. Getting the baby room set up, getting our cute little apartment organized, being a good house wife (cleaning and cooking yummy paleo dinners every night --one of my goals), playing with friends and relaxing by the pool on the very few nice days we've had.
Pregnancy has been great. I really can't complain. I've managed keeping up Crossfit work outs (doing them all by my lonesome at our apartment gym) which I think has been really helpful. (Excuse the narly picture above, it was post work out and I wasn't planning on sharing it. But it's the most recent one I took a couple days ago.) We've gone on some hikes and tried to venture around the area a little bit. She's extremely active and gets hiccups on a regular basis. At this point my midwife says she's dropped and doesn't think I will go past my due date. YAY!!! Let's hope she's right! We picked a name.... okay you ready for this??? We are naming her Perry Willow Ulrich. This name was a long long long process with the decision making. Before we knew the gender, if it was a boy I really wanted to name him after my dad. My dads name is Brian and well.. it's just a little old and a friend of mine thought to name him Perry (being my dads last name). Well I loved it, Bobby could not stand it... for a boy that is. We both had a weird thing for the name Willow, but we couldn't lock it down for her first name. Then I had a client say "what about Perry Willow"?? I'd never really thought about Perry being a first name for a girl! then I started hearing all these people say oh ya "I had a girlfriend name Perry", etc. I didn't think Bobby would like it, and he LOVED it! My best friend Cara couldn't let go of the name Perry since before we found out the gender and called her Perry before we ever decided on it. So we are going to have a little Per, and the name is in memory of my Dad.
Re-cap on the summer... Bobby and I moved in the first couple of weeks of June to Redmond Washington for a job at Microsoft. Bobby loves his job and it has definitely been a good fit for him. Great company to be a part of. We love it here. I love Redmond. It is so beautiful and we are so close to everything. Downtown Redmond is right next to us and we are in walking distance of our favorite restaraunt MATADOR! haha Oh boy. There's so many beautiful parks and trails around here it's great. One thing I've realized I love about Seattle is all of the water. Pretty much everywhere you go you're surrounded by different Lakes or the sound. It's sooo pretty. I've had fun hanging with some of my really good friends, and getting to spend time with my mother in law and sister in law and niece Brookey during the days.
Bobby and I had our 2nd anniversary on July 18th, and let me tell you... I swear I fall more and more in love with the boy every day. I don't know how I ever got so lucky. He is so amazing and loves me so unconditionally I really don't know if I deserve it. He is by far the best friend I've ever had and he treats me so well. He surprised me and took me on a little cruise that went around Lake Washington. It was beautiful! Oh and of course we got to see Bill Gates MASSIVE property. :) He then took me to a fancy shmancy restaraunt and we had a really good time. Can't believe it's been 2 years already. Time sure does fly when you're having fun. :)
We went camping in July with Bobbys family at Ocean shores... Sorry Washington, you still have nothing on the Oregon Coast. I still don't get why this is the case... seems like Washington should have just as beautiful beaches as Oregon... but welp. They don't. It's one thing I've missed about living in Portland... the last couple of summers we have just up and driven to the beach for an evening bonfire. I miss that. I miss Portland and I miss my family friends and clients. My mom and sister have come up a couple of times to visit and that's been so nice. They just left today and it's crazy to think the next time I see them I'll be in labor!!! EEK! Not working has been a really nice break and I really admire those hard working hairdressers that work till their baby comes!!! NUTSOOOO! I guess I would have done it... but I think I would have passed out the second I got home from work every day. It's been really nice to get used to a new area and get as ready as I possibly can for Perry to come.
We went to a Mariners game with some of Bobbys extended family on his Dads side and we had a lot of fun. I love going to Mariners games. Such a fun atmosphere no matter how bad the team may be. ;)
Overall it's been a fabulous summer, but I will say... the best part of it is yet to come!!!!! We are so ready to meet our baby!!!!!
(3D picture of Perry)
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
1 week ago