The past 2 months have been nutts-o.
I'm now 26 weeks (and 2 days) pregnant with a BABY GIRL!!!!! I feel great. She's kicking like crazy and has even found my rib cage which isn't so fun. ;) So far everything has gone really smooth (besides my rear ending a car experience that wound me in the hospital for 4 hours to be monitored). All is well and I've been able to keep up my exercise and have pretty good energy most of the time! 2nd trimester has sure beat the 1st! Being pregnant is probably the coolest thing I have ever experienced. It's so exciting and everything is so new and to top it all off, Bobby has been in Seattle for the past 8 weeks. It stinks. It blows and I'm SOOOOO OVER IT. We see each other on weekends, and it kind of feels like we are dating again... him living at his dads.. me living at my parents (w/ brother and sister).. and I'm just ready to feel married again. :)
We found a place to live in Redmond Washington. Only a few minutes away from Bobbys job at Microsoft (which he LOVES by the way!), and it's a super cute little apartment that overlooks the cutest courtyard. So happy about it. Of course it is an apartment... which I hate apartment living... but it's only temporary and it will do for the next year. :) I love Redmond. It's fabulous. We are fairly close to all of our friends and family, and it has GREAT shopping. ;)
2 weeks of work left, and I've been saying goodbye to all my favorite clients right and left. I hate goodbyes. It's been hard. But at this point I am SOOO ready to be up in Washington and start our new life up there. It's all so exciting. New place, new baby, new experiences. I can't wait. WE CANT WAIT!
24 weeks along.
26 weeks.
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
1 week ago